Kaizen Karate & Self Defense

A Transformed Karate Owner, Instructor, and Student Experience

Wodify Core, Wodify Sites
7+ Hours
Saved Per Week
17 Classes
Per Week

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

What’s a Rich Text element?

Static and dynamic content editing

Static and dynamic content editing

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Key Business Need: All-in-one tool


Matt Schildt started Kaizen Karate & Self Defense after quitting his corporate sales job of over 20 years. Like many experienced corporate employees, he felt confident in his ability to use the knowledge he had gained in sales to operate his own business. Schildt began his business by using Quickbooks for billing and finances, manually scanned in paper forms & waivers, spreadsheets for scheduling, and Alora for attendance tracking. Due to Schildt’s prior success as an instructor, he knew getting clients would not be a problem and thought the rest would come easy. 

However, like many Martial Arts business owners, he overlooked the importance of managing his students. It is easy to assume that a physical space, students, instructors, and administrators make up a Martial Arts business when really, a Customer Retention Platform (CRP) is the glue that holds these elements together. 

Schildt came to the realization he needed all-in-one Jiu-Jitsu Customer Retention Platform when his kickboxing classes started rapidly growing. He no longer efficiently manage his students with 4 different manual software tools, and was losing money because of how much time he was spending trying to stay organized as opposed to coaching.


Schildt decided to switch to Wodify's CRP in May of 2021. Kaizen now has a solid core holding his business together by managing his clients with an all-in-one CRP. 

Instead of spending hours, manually scanning waivers, he uses Wodify’s digital waivers. 

Instead of having to manually bill his clients each month, Wodify bills his clients automatically.

And instead of worrying about missing a paycheck, Wodify pays out his employees automatically.

Not to mention, Kaizen students can easily sign up and into classes via the Wodify Mobile App, which makes it easier for Schildt to manage classes and class size.

“Kaizen is a small dojo, so it’s hard to manage a business and be on the mat as much as I want to be. Wodify’s all-in-one CRP allows me to spend less time hovering over my computer and more time instructing my students.”

Matt Schildt

Owner of Kaizen Karate & Self Defense


Kaizen has been using Wodify's Customer Retention Platform for just under a year and has helped Schildt save over 7 hours per week, which equates to be 364 hours per year that Schlidt can spent instructing his students, rather than staring at a computer. 

Kaizen Karate also switched to using a Wodify Site, which ensures an easy and enjoyable experience for any parent looking to sign their kid up for a class. Many Martial Arts businesses owners think about how the importance of the appearance of their physical space, but with increased automation and people signing up for classes online, a business’ online presence is just as important as the physical presence. 

Instead of spending hours of research on building a website, Wodify builds fully integrated websites designed to turn leads into paying clients. 

Especially where Kaizen’s classes are primarily for kids, it is incredibly important for Schildt and other employees to be able to be as attentive as possible to ensure the utmost safety and proper technique. 

Overall, Kaizen enhanced his experience as a Karate School Owner, improved his instructor experience, and ensured maximum value & safety for his students. All leading to increased student retention.

You can learn more about Wodify’s All-in-One Customer Retention Platform here by scheduling a call with one of our experts!

Grow your Martial Arts business with Wodify Core today

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