CrossFit Great Barrington

The Groundbreaking Transition from a CRM to a CRP

Wodify Core, Perform, Sites, NCFIT Collective, Complete Gym Management
3 Years
as an affiliate
Products used
10+ Hours

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

What’s a Rich Text element?

Static and dynamic content editing

Static and dynamic content editing

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

Switched From: Wodhopper

Key Business Need: Complete Gym Management

Wodify Core:

When he first opened his box, Mike was less concerned with data and more concerned with adding members and becoming profitable. But as the years went by, easy access to key metrics and accurate business reports become more important. His inability to get the information he needed quickly is what ultimately led him to switch from Wodhopper to Wodify's Customer Retention Platform. “It was totally the right move,” says Mike. 

Now he can easily find out which classes are most popular, which members are showing up, and more importantly, which ones aren’t showing up. “I have it set up in Wodify that if a member hasn’t been to the gym in two weeks, they get an automatic email checking in to see if everything’s OK.” Automated attendance tracking is one of the many features Wodify Core provides that give him a better handle on his business.

Now, with Wodify Retain, you can have AI predict when a client is going to leave your business based on the amount of time that has passed since they attended class.

Wodify Perform:

One of the reasons his attendance tracking data is so accurate is because his members do the work for him. With Wodify Perform, members reserve spots and sign into class from the Wodify Client App or at the box. Either way, Mike has an accurate record of which classes are busier so he can make adjustments to his schedule when necessary.

However, the real benefit of Wodify Perform is its ability to track members’ results across years of benchmark WODs. "We used a whiteboard for many years, so there was some resistance to going digital, because people are hesitant to change. But once they could see their past performance, they really loved it,” said Mike. “And myself, as a coach, Perform is super helpful because I get a more accurate picture of who the athlete is. I even use it as a selling point to new members who are checking out the gym.”

Whether for member retention, lead conversion, or simply having a better understanding of what goes on in his gym, even when he’s not there, adding Wodify Perform performance tracking has proven to be an invaluable tool for CrossFit Great Barrington.Perform has been a great way to get all my member’s information under one roof.”

“And myself, as a coach, Perform is super helpful because I get a more accurate picture of who the athlete is”.

Mike Bissaillon

owner of CrossFit Great Barrington

Wodify Sites 

Ever since opening his doors, Mike had kept his gym website exactly the same. A friend had set up his DIY site, and although he wasn’t paying much in hosting fees, he wasn’t getting much value out of it either. He knew he needed a site that would help his gym grow without monopolizing his time, but everything seemed too expensive and not the right fit for what he was looking for. 

"I’d been looking for quite some time,” says Mike. “I almost went with a couple of different companies, but I’m glad I held off because their fees were just outrageous. It didn’t make any sense to me.”

As soon as he heard about the launch of Wodify Sites, he knew, with its seamless integration and moderate price, this was the solution he’d been waiting for. Mike is currently going through the onboarding process with Wodify Sites and can’t wait to see the results. “I’m looking forward to the integration between my website, the WOD, and my social media.”

NCFIT Collective x Wodify

Another way Wodify has helped Mike free up his schedule is through his subscription to NCFIT Collective programming. “I’ve been doing my programming since day one, usually at home during family time, and it was getting worse, not better.” He explained that the workouts he was building were just going from day to day, without any real focus. 

And focus is the main difference he’s experienced with NCFIT programming. Each month, NCFIT creates a theme for their workouts that gym owners can communicate to coaches and athletes. “It’s just terrific. There are a diverse amount of movements. The class hour flows nicely between the warm-up, the metcon, and the finisher. And every month I know what the goal of the workouts is. There’s an overall purpose and something to build to.”

But what really sold Mike on NCFIT was the convenience and time-savings. Wodify customers are able to get NCFIT programming pushed directly to their Wodify Core accounts with no data entry or copying & pasting required. “Other places do excellent programming,” says Mike. “But they’re not tied into Wodify. NCFIT programming is excellent, and the fact that it automatically ties in to Wodify makes it a home run.”

In the end, Mike knows adding NCFIT programming to his Wodify account was a smart decision because it delivers what it promises. “You hear all the business gurus saying, ‘We’re going to save you time and give you back your life!’” 99% of the time, it’s all B.S. I’ll tell you, NCFIT has given me back hours a week. That’s legit. No B.S.”

If you’re interested in learning how Wodify’s entire suite of products can help your gym run better, talk to one of our product specialists today.

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